An excellent thought provoking article which I have re-read.

Given that climate change has been a normal planetary cycle for untold millennia, and that the CO2 equilibria exchange cycles with terrestrial plants and ocean water and organisms are complex, it is best to default to 101 principles and pay attention to those scientists who cut their teeth pre-DEI and ESG.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Icahnoclast: The Spike

You aim is true, Spike.

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I came close to sending a chemist's correction your way, title gave me pause , but now get your gist!

I always go back to first semester 101!

In a related way, see :

Coral Reef Recovery Disappoints Climate Alarmists


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Yes, I wrote the title to get attention but may have driven away those who thought 'this fool doesn't know the difference between an atom and a molecule? Why waste my time?' Oh well.

I read and enjoyed your piece on coral reef recovery. The fact that what should be good news to climate alarmists never is, is just more reason for me to think they are the ones who don't understand science and that their real motives have little to do with improving the environment. They are anti-human flourishing. Whatever means it takes to achieve the end of depopulating the earth and reducing human comforts (save theirs), gets their support.

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